Oklahoma Christians,
join us in prayer for Gansu!

The State of Oklahoma and China's Gansu Province officially became 'Sister States' in 1985

Select your county to see which Gansu county to adopt in prayer!

Prayer Warriors Wanted

We need volunteers to lead local prayer efforts in every county and region. Remember, nobody is interceding for the vast majority of these Gansu counties, or even know that they exist. No counties left behind!

    Help us raise awareness and give God's Word to Gansu's millions, through our network of locals, teams, and long-term missionaries


    With nearly two decades of experience in the Middle Kingdom, Missionary Ben tackles China’s toughest questions, while telling countless stories and challenging Christians not to fear or despair of China’s rise, but rather to pray and intercede for its repentance and reformation. Join us each week as we keep you informed on current events, evangelism efforts, and the ongoing persecution of Christians in China.


    Overcoming the Laughter and Lies of the Chinese Communist Police

    China Call Blog

    I am in the process of migrating my old China blogs (2006-2022) to: ChinaCall.substack.com


    Special Ops: No Job Too Hard


    This is one of the very first blog posts I ever published, back


    My Burden for the Truly Unreached


    My only article quoted numerous times by John Piper. You can read…